Fit2Play Lifestyle

Become responsible for your health

with a Fit2Play lifestyle 

 A 6 or 12 month reset for your brain and overall health

Time to take responsibility for your own health through mineral based nutrition, herbal juice cleanings, herbal intracellular cleansings and sports massage. 

What’s included: 

  • Education about Mineral Based Nutrition which is what your body is composed of
  • Zoom check-in once a week; call/text guidance whenever you need it
  • Herbal Juice Cleanses, as needed throughout duration
  • Massage - Once a week for the 1st month; two a month for remaining duration
  • Our own created organic natural sports drink "Mineral Hydrate" after every massage session
  •  Add-ons for additional fees: Holistic Fitness; Holistic Rehab; Herbal Intracellular Cleanse

 What you will learn:

  • What our body is composed of at the cellular level - "mineral nutrition"
  • Myths about protein, carbs, fats, fructose, sugar, vitamins/supplements and calorie counting - "Not one science" the dangers of science by man
  • Become an “educated cheater eater”, learn how to order from a restaurant menu
  • Food Combining; Do’s and Don’ts of what to combine together
  • How to heal injuries from the inside out; Difference between heating and icing
  • How to heal the body from the inside out from an illness or physical ailments
  • How to reverse, heal and cure any dis-ease (discomfort)
  • Articulate between health and medical - health takes presidence over medical
  • Dangers of man created foods and farming; GMO’s (ie corn), hybrid (ie lemon), husbandry (cow), cross- pollination/breeding (almond), artificial fish/seafood (ie sushi), dangerous oxide-of-allyl (garlic ph 3.5)
  • Difference between farmed and wild caught fish
  • Natural energy sources (minerals) vs the danger of stimulating energy sources (ie caffiene, cane sugar, fructose) 
  • Benefits of the Fit2Play lifestyle through mineral based nutrition

1 hour consultation $250 - Goes towards your sign on fee.

1 month - $5,000  Re-educate your brain and start re-setting your health.  (After 1 month, when you continue to 6 or 12 months, the cost of the one month will go towards your continuation).

6 month - $15,000    12 month - $30,000

 (base rates; may be higher depending on current health conditions)   

Play strong, play healthy, play injury free. Be Fit2Play!