Health is Singular 10-day Cleanse

A unique 14-day intracellular cleanse for the unique individual to reset your body, mind and spirit from the inside out. Your journey will be a 14 day/13 night personal stay in a beach house in Dillon Beach with your own bedroom suite, which has a fireplace and deep tub for your daily pink himilayan salt bath. Includes 10-day herbal intracellular cleanse,(consisting of a 1 day prep cleanse, followed by 9 days of a mucus cleanse, a kidney cleanse, a liver cleanse and a blood cleanse), a 30 min massage each day, our personal day by day guidance, daily calisthenic stretching, 10 Mineral Hydrates for prep and re-hydration days. During your last two days you will re-hydrate, go for zen walks on the beach, discuss a detailed one month mineral based nutritional plan for after your cleanse and enjoy a fruit smoothie each evening to help with your replenishment.

Price: $25,500

Optional: For an additional fee we can have you driven to and from your location to ours with a personal driver.




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